You can learn all things past life related here. Explore past life recall for curiosity, healing, and gaining a better understanding of yourself, your truth, and your soul.

New courses will be added consistently. Here's what's on the agenda:

  • How to Become a Past Life Regression Therapist for Fun and Profit
  • Getting Answers from Spirit and Your Guides
  • How to Access Your Past Lives through Meditation in 7 Days or Less

"You explain complex things so well even I understand it."

- Tanja from Sweden

Find Your True North

Recalling past life memories can lead you to your true purpose in life by showing you previous skills, talents, and teachers to guide you.

Discover Your Past Loves

Connections with loved ones, like family members, friends, and spouses can be identified through past life exploration.

Journey Across Time and Space

Find who you were, what you liked, where you lived, and how you came to be here so you can heal from the past to have a better present.

Hi, I’m Crysta Foster.

I'm a lifelong intuitive and past life regression therapist. I've spent my whole life seeing other people's past lives as well as my own, and now I want you to see it for yourself.