Ever wondered what makes you - YOU?

So much of who you are now has been formed throughout the ages and lifetimes that came before.

I designed The Grand Tour to satifsy your curiosity about your past lives - everything from who you were, to how you lived, and where - but most importantly, so you can finally piece together how you came to be here, now.

Let's go on a journey together.

I'll walk you step by step through the process of past life regression in a fully protected space, from the comfort of your own home.

We'll travel across time and dimensions to form a bigger picture of who you were, meet your family, and see where you lived.

And we'll repeat that process through as many lifetimes as you'd like, but typically around 5 - 7 in your very first session.

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your regression session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If I don't feel like you're a fit for past life regression hypnosis, I will happily refund your money before the regression session occurs, minus any transactional or processing fees.

Once you've had the session with me, no refunds will be made available.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your onboarding appointment and interview.

Can I purchase The Grand Tour more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of a past life regression more than once, simply purchase the session again.